Is iddah necessary after a divorce?

Is iddah necessary after a divorce? Question As-salaamu ’alaykum, I have a personal question to ask you and I need advice according to the Shari’ah. I recently had my nikah done, no rukhsati, but after the nikkah there were too many disputes so unfortunately we will...

A case of husband and wife quarreling

A case of husband and wife quarreling Question As-salaamu ’alaykum, I had lost my temper at my wife, and said a few things.  Throughout my yelling at her, I did not intend, even for a split second, anything related to divorce. However, my wife pointed out to me that...

A man divorces his wife in a state of anger

A man divorces his wife in a state of anger Question As-salaamu ’alaykum, Here’s my issue: I came back from another country on Wednesday night at around 11pm after attending a very intense course. Despite tired and jet-lagged, I went to office the next morning...