Saying salam in text messages

Question When texting someone, many times responses aren’t given right away. Sometimes one even responds a couple of hours later. Is one supposed to say salaam before each message? Answer بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما When texting someone, one...

Receiving Child Benefits

Question In Canada and other countries, mothers receive child benefits from the government. Who is the legal owner of this money from an Islamic perspective? Is it necessary to use that money on the child or can it be used on any expenses? Answer بسم الله الرحمن...

Touching a Qur’an with a cover on it

Touching a Qur’an with a cover on it Question I have read that if a mushaf has a cover on it, it is not permissible to touch it without wudhu and if a cloth is not sewn on, it is permissible to pick up the mushaf using that. What if the mushaf is in a ziplock...