May reimbursement be demanded for liabilities which are due because of poor advice?
I have two question regarding a couple situations that have arisen with my parents and want to know the ruling on them.
- My father had made a commitment to me to carry all of my educationally related expenses. I have made some academic expenses out of my own pocket and borrowed/found other ways to cover or avoid other academic expenses so that I could save money. For example, I traveled for a class in another state, and the housing for the course cost 1700 dollars, I found somewhere else to sleep on a couch during the time of the class for 500$ so that I could save $1200 for myself. Another example is that instead of purchasing books, I would wait in the library for library copy to be free so I could check that out and use it there instead of purchasing the book.
Question 1: Do I have the right to ask for reimbursements on these expenses?
- In the past, I gave my parents advice on a decision regarding some construction to do in their home. They followed my advice and it turned out to be a bad decision. My parents deemed that I was responsible for the losses that resulted because I am the one that advised them to take the action even though they are the ones who got the work done. As a result of this my parents froze some of my property which was at their home and did not return it to me as a direct consequence of the losses because of my advice.
Question 2: Do I have the right to ask for my parents to take responsibility for losses I have suffered as a result of their advice as they have set a precedence that it is the one giving the advice who is responsible for the results?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما
One’s main concern in life should be fulfilling the obligations binding upon him. The blessed Messenger’s (may peace be upon him) teachings are very clear in this matter. Most of the problems in the world exist today solely due to different groups clamoring for their own rights, while ignoring the rights that others have on them. Issues between spouses, parents and children, etc. may easily be resolved if both parties start focusing more on carrying out their own obligations, rather than attempting to extract every last bit of moral obligation that they are entitled to from others. Furthermore, the key to any successful relationship is not to restrict oneself on doing what is deemed only necessary, rather a person must include acts of kindness and love which are highly encouraged in Shari’ah. With that being noted, the answers to your questions may be found below:
- In the aforementioned scenario, the son may ask the father to fulfill his promise.
- Any harm caused by acting upon a person’s advice will not make the person giving the advice liable for the resulting damages.
والله اعلم
Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala knows best.
Yousuf Ahmed
Approved by Mufti Husain Ahmad Madani