The du’aa of a haji


Assalam Alaikum 

Is it true that dua of a haji is accepted till 40 days? When does that 40 start from?


 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما

In reference to your question, there are different narrations which discuss the virtue of du’a of a person performing hajj. Consider the following:

Abu Hurayra (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “O Allah! Forgive the sins of the one who performs hajj and forgive the sins of the one for whom he seeks forgiveness.”


It should be noted that in the aforementioned narration there is no fixed time period (of forty days) nor is it general for all the du’as of a person performing hajj to be accepted, rather it is specific to his du’a for forgiveness. However, there is a narration (albeit weak) where ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) has mentioned that this virtue lasts for 90 days; the last twenty days of Dhul-Hijjah, the month of Muharram, the month of Safar, and the first ten days of Rabi al-Awwal. 

والله اعلم

Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala knows best.

Mohammad Jafari

Approved by Mufti Husain Ahmad Madani