When copying verses of the Qur’an, it should be done verbatim


Should we copy the words/sentences as is from Qur’an or adopt an appropriate method of writing which is inline with Arabic grammar?


 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامدا ومصليا ومسلما

The Qur’an has been conveyed to us through an unbroken chain from the companions (may Allah be pleased with them all). Each and every word through utmost caution and dedication, from the pronunciation to its inscription has been transmitted to us without interruption. Therefore, when reproducing the Qur’an in writing, it must be done without any type of addition or subtraction in any way, whether it be letters or punctuation marks.

والله اعلم

Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala knows best.

Ahad Yousuf Ahmed

Approved by Mufti Husain Ahmad Madani