Purchasing a house through an interest based loan

Purchasing a house through an interest based loan Question assalamalekum wa rehmatullahe wabrakathu I have a question for you I have a house that I have been leaving in for 13 years, when I got this house I got a loan so  I am paying monthly payments to the bank. My...

A person passes away before completing house payments

A person passes away before completing house payments Question If a person buys a house for someone and an agreement has been made that the latter will pay the former on monthly installments, if the former passes away before collecting all of the payments, what shall...

Paying off a debt

Paying off a debt Question assalamu’alaikum,   I understand that inheritance money can only be given away after it comes under the inheritors possession.  My mom gave my husband some inheritance money she owed me by depositing it into his bank account (I am not...