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Darul Uloom Canada and Darul Uloom Al Madania Iftaa department runs under the supervision of Hadrat Dr. Ismail Memon


Featured Fatawas

Saying salam in text messages

When texting someone, many times responses aren’t given right away. Sometimes one even responds a...

Masah on winter boots

Is it permissible to perform masah on winter boots? Would praying salah in them also be...

Dua for extreme cold

Is there any du’a to be recited for extreme cold? بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الجواب حامدا ومصليا...

Prayers when traveling in winter

In the winter, a lot of the prayer times are close which can make travelling difficult at times....

Receiving Child Benefits

In Canada and other countries, mothers receive child benefits from the government. Who is the...

Camel-hump style hijabs

Question: Is wearing camel-hump style hijabs (a style of hijab in which the hair is tied in a bun...

Using lotion which has alcohol

My question is if alcohol is added in lotion cream does it becomes haram to use? Would alcohol...

Reciting a sajdah ayah while menstruating

Assalamualaikum I recited quran during haydh out of forgetfulness and sajdah tilawat ayah came. Do...

Sajdah tilawa which has not been performed in the past

Does qadhaa have to be done for sajdah tilawah if it has not been done in the previous years?بسم...

Joining salah after hearing the imam recite a sajdah ayah

A person has not joined the jama’ah of salah yet but he hears the imam recite an ayah requiring...